9333555511 , 8250998823 info@nextzenlimited.com
  1. We have been recognised by the General Manager, Financial Inclusion, Bank of India for the Top average performer in Social Security in the Financial Year 2020-21, again we have been recognised by the General Manager, Financial Inclusion of Bank of India for the Top average performer in Social Security in the Financial Year 2021-22 and this year too.
  2. NEXTZEN has also contributed doorstep Banking for old age and physically challenged people during the most crucial time of COVID-19.
  3. Bank of India – Siliguri Zone has awarded our team for being the Top achiever in 2022 under PMSBY category.
  4. We have been recognised by the BOI, NBG-Jharkhand for the highest number of APY login during AKAM Campaign and Top APY achiever during the Bank of India’s Foundation Day login campaign in 2022.

BCA Training Program

Client Name
: Bank Of India
: Bank of India
: Completed