India is currently the powerhouse of financial and technical innovations and with many fintech’s focusing on the rapid advancement of cutting-edge payment products we are a genuine leader in processing digital transactions. Despite this, there is a large volume of India’s population that still doesn’t have access to basic banking facilities. We have decided to change the scenario. With Nextzen ePay and Nextzen eStore, we aim to not only create revolutionary financial solutions but also bridge the gap of technological inaccessibility between rural and urban India.To success this initiative NEXTZEN has the tied-up with Banks to setup BC Agents in rural, urban and semi-urban areas as part of financial inclusion and national fund remittance through local merchant or POS.
1) Nextzen Fi-Tech Pvt. Ltd. never ask any candidate for cash payment. 2) For any unauthorised payment Nextzen is not responsible at all. 3) We only receive payment in our Companies Bank account. 4) Any fraudulent activity should be noted to our grievance cell. 5) Any grievance will be taken care as per rules and regulation.